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Amyris elemifera known as Torchwood or Sea Torchwood and at TreeWorld WholesaleAmyris elemifera known as Torchwood or Sea Torchwood and at TreeWorld Wholesale

Amyris Elemifera




Torchwood Tree characteristics

Amyris elemifera (Torchwood) is a small slender tree or large shrub, 10 to 15 feet (ca. 457 cm) in height but can reach 22 feet (6.71 m) under ideal conditions. It has a dense rounded crown with low vertical branches. The smooth gray bark becomes rough with furrows and plates as the tree ages. The light, glossy, green leaves are opposite or sub opposite. Also, the leaves have 3 to 5 leaflets. In addition, the leaflets are ovate to Lancelot. The long pointed tip and 1 to 3 inches (ca. 8 cm) long. In addition, its tiny, white, semi-showy and aromatic flowers are borne in erect branched clusters. These blooms attract butterflies. The aromatic and edible purplish-black berries measure about 1/4 inch (10.16 cm) in diameter. The berries contain a single brown seed; used for propagation. Birds and mammals eat the fruits. Also, some plant parts have medicinal properties. The green wood is resinous and by fraying the ends one can make a torch. Hence, the common name. Twigs can burn as incense.

Amyris Elemifera in the Landscape

Torchwood grows in moist well-drained sandy soils with an organic top layer. Amyris elemifera (Torchwood) is an attractive small plant for coastal area gardens or parks. Or it can be a hedge as a buffer. It is an attractive specimen for a native plant garden.

We would also recommend Snowbush Tree, check it out!

Additional information

Common Name

Torchwood, Sea Torchwood

Florida Native

Yes, FL Native


South Florida, West Indies, Central America & The Bahamas

Flowering Season


Flower Color


Salt Tolerance

Low Salt Tolerance

Drought Tolerance

Moderate Drought Tolerance

Growth Rate

Very Slow Growth Rate

Light Requirements

Full Sun



Plant Type



25 gal., 45 gal., 65 gal., 100 gal., 200 gal., 300 gal.

Amyris Elemifera – Torchwood




El árbol de hojas perennes o arbusto tiene una densa corona de oscuras y brillantes hojas elípticas de 7 pulgadas de largo que se alternan entre si. Sus ramas generalmente son verticales y susceptibles a romperse. Es de floración continua y produce flores que pequeñas de 2 pulgadas de colores blanco y morado. Sus frutos son discretos, redondos, verdes y carnosos de 2 a 6 pulgadas de largo. La carne del fruto es blanca y junto con sus semillas son comestibles. Un vez seca la vaina se convierte leñosa y constituye una calabaza.

Additional information

Common Name

Torchwood, Sea Torchwood

Florida Native

Si, es nativo de la Florida


Florida (sur), Las Antillas, America Central y Las Bahamas

Flowering Season


Flower Color


Salt Tolerance

Baja Tolerancia a la Sal

Drought Tolerance

Tolerancia Moderada a la Sequia

Growth Rate

Tasa de Crecimiento muy Lenta

Light Requirements

Exposición total al Sol



Plant Type



25 galones, 65 galones, 100 galones, 200 galones, 300 galones