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Caesalpinia Pulcherrima


Dwarf Poinciana


Caesalpinia Pulcherrima tree description

The Caesalpinia Pulcherrima (Dwarf Poinciana) tree’s common name creates confusion because it is not a miniature form of the Royal Poinciana tree. The tree does have a resemblance to its larger namesake.

Dwarf poinciana, is a small tree (12 feet 3.66 m) or shrub. The crown is dense, vase-shaped, but irregular. It has drooping branches, susceptible to breakage. Also, the  green leaves are bipinnate, mostly opposite, oblong or oval, 8 to 16 inches (40.64 cm) long overall. While the leaflets are less than 2 inches (5.08 cm) long.

Its flowers are showy and borne on lengthy stalks up to 8 inches (20.32 cm) long projecting above the leaves. The blooms are bowl-shaped, 2 to 3 inches (7.62 cm) across. The yellow, orange or red petals have extended red stamens. Moreover, fruits are flat, brown pods, 3 to 4 inches (10.16 cm) long, splitting open when ripe to expose small brown seeds. Furthermore, the trunk, branches and petioles have sharp spines.

Dwarf Poinciana cultivation

Propagate the Caesalpinia Pulcherrima (Dwarf Poinciana) with seeds. Once propagated, this plant is easy to grow in well-drained alkaline to acid soils. Also, due to the plant’s natural growth form, low-branching and spreading it can obtain shrub form.

Dwarf Poinciana benefits from trimming and ideal for landscaping, especially for informal plantings in gardens or parks; it is considered a colorful accent along a shrub border.

Other common names: Peacock flower

🌳More popular and beautiful plants: Cassia Javanica

Additional information

Plant Type

Semi-Deciduous Flowering Tree or shrub


Wide Canopy

Flower Color


Light Requirements

Full Sun

Growth Rate

Fast Growth Rate

Drought Tolerance

High Drought Tolerance

Salt Tolerance

Moderate Salt Tolerance

Flowering Season

All Year


Central America

Florida Native

No, Not FL Native

Common Name

Dwarf Poinciana, Peacock Flower


25 gal., 45 gal., 65 gal., 100 gal., 200 gal., 300 gal.