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Coccoloba Uvifera x DiversifoliaCoccoloba Uvifera x Diversifolia

Coccoloba Uvifera x Diversifolia


Sea plum

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Sea plum hybrid description

Coccoloba Uvifera x Diversifolia is an artificial sea plum hybrid. The common name is Sea plum,  it formed by crossing pigeon plum (c. diversifolia) and sea grape (c. Uvifera). Also, it is presumed to have occurred in Florida. Sea plum reaches 6 to 8 feet (2.44 m) in height. Both parent species reach heights of up to 30 feet (9.14 m) and thus Sea plum may grow taller. Sea plum’s crown is dense and grows in an upright triangular  or oval shape. Its leaves are larger than those of Pigeon plum and resemble the texture of the Sea Grape leaf. Sea Plum is also highly salt tolerant like both parent species. It also has a high Salt wind tolerance and good drought tolerance. Like its parents it enjoys full sun to partial shade and dry to moist soils.

Coccoloba Uvifera x Diversifolia cultivation

Furthermore, to propagate the Coccoloba Uvifera x Diversifolia use stem cuttings. Importantly, plants from a seed of a hybrid would not breed true. Also, Sea plum is reported to be low maintenance. Due to the limited amount of information on the hybrid, we encourage you to consult and apply Information presented in the entries for the parent species as appropriate to sea plum (Coccoloba Uvifera).

Although a detailed description of this sea plum hybrid has not been published.

Other names: Sea plum

🌳More popular and beautiful plants: Pigeon plum tree

Additional information

Common Name

Sea Plum

Florida Native

Yes, FL Native


Cultivated, Florida

Flowering Season


Growth Rate

Slow to Moderate Growth Rate

Light Requirements

Full Sun to Partial Shade

Flower Color


Plant Type

Evergreen, Evergreen, Foliage, Foliage Tree


25 gal., 45 gal., 65 gal., 100 gal., 200 gal., 300 gal.

Coccoloba Uvifera x Diversifolia


Pigeon plum


‘Sea Plum’ es un híbrido artificial formado por el cruce de ‘Pigeon Plum’ (Coccoloba Diversifolia) y Sea Grape (Coccoloba Uvifera), que se supone que se han producido en la Florida. Una descripción detallada de este híbrido, aparentemente, no se ha publicado. Se describe como 6 – 8 pies de altura, pero muy probablemente más alto dan ambas especies parentales alcanzan alturas de 25 – 30 pies. También, se dice que se propaga por brazos o semillas. Sin embargo, las plantas de una semilla de un híbrido no se reproducirían cierto. ‘Sea Plum’ se informó a ser de bajo mantenimiento. Información presentada en el texto correspondiente a la especie original se puede consultar y aplicar en su caso a la ‘Sea Plum’, hasta que se describe formalmente.

Additional information

Common Name

Sea Plum

Florida Native

Si, es nativo de la Florida


Cultivado, Florida

Flowering Season


Growth Rate

Tasa de Crecimiento Lenta a Moderada

Light Requirements

Exposición total al sol a Sombra Parcial

Flower Color


Plant Type

Árbol de Follaje, Hojas perennes, follaje, Perenne


25 galones, 65 galones, 100 galones, 200 galones, 300 galones