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Randia Aculeata (Indigo berry) 100 galRandia Aculeata (Indigo berry) 100 gal

Randia Aculeata


Indigo Berry


Randia Aculeata tree description

Randia Aculeata (Indigo berry) is a small tree or medium-sized evergreen shrub, that usually grows to a height of 6 to 10 feet. Moreover, it has an open to moderately dense, round, low-branching crown; that tends to grow with spiny stems. Additionally, it has smooth gray bark with slight fissures.

Also, leaves are green, opposite/subopposite, simple, entire, orbiculate, leathery, in clusters near branch ends and about 2 inches long. Flowers are small, white, fragrant, in a funnel-shape and borne in the leaf axils. Flowers attracts butterflies.

Furthermore, fruits are globose, white to ivory berries, fleshy with blue-black pulp. Additionally, fruits measure approximately 1/2 – 1 inch in diameter and contain 5 to 10 tiny seeds which are food for birds and for propagation. Besides they are popular in herbal medicine. The wood is an excellent fuel. Indigo berry grows well in sandy or rocky well-drained soils. In addition, with the correct pruning it either an attractive individual plant or hedge.

Indigo Berry cultivation

It is really salt tolerant, and it is a good shrub for coastal landscapes. Randia Aculeata (Indigo berry) is an excellent choice for difficult sites without irrigation. In landscaping it makes and excellent accent or specimen plant for gardens, parks or native plant garden. Also it makes an attractive bonsai plant.

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Additional information


25 gal., 45 gal., 65 gal., 100 gal., 200 gal., 300 gal.

Common Name

Indigo Berry



Florida Native

Yes, FL Native

Flowering Season

All Year

Salt Tolerance

High Salt Tolerance

Drought Tolerance

High Drought Tolerance

Growth Rate

Slow Growth Rate

Light Requirements

Full Sun to Partial Shade

Flower Color




Plant Type
