The Cordia Lutea (Yellow Geiger) is said to have been named after a “Captain Geiger” that once lived in key west; it is a small tree or shrub, which may reach a height of 25 feet and has attractive gray slightly-furrowed sandy bark. It has dense, arching branches.
Additionally, the leaves are alternate, elliptical, about 4 inches long, somewhat leathery with a rough upper surface. Also, leaf drop may occur during a cold spell. Furthermore, the colorful yellow flowers which gives this species part of its name, grow as terminal clusters; individual blooms are about 1.5 inches in diameter. It is insect pollinated and attracts butterflies. Fruits are white berries, fleshy when fresh, with a single seed. Birds feed on the fruit. The plant may be grown from seed or via layering. Tolerates a range of soil types, well drained, needs regular watering for good growth. It is frost tolerant down to freezing and no pest or disease problems are reported.
The Cordia Lutea (Yellow Geiger) is grown primarily for its attractive flowers. Best suited to open landscapes because of the spreading habit, as a screen, windbreak or border planting, and is a suitable seaside plant.
Photo Credit: Flickr Photographer23