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Azadirachta Indica Properties and Uses

Azadirachta Indica uses

Azadirachta Indica Medicinal Uses and More

Azadirachta Indica (Neem) is a moderate-size tree which reaches a height of 40 feet (12.19 m) or more. What are Azadirachta Indica benefits? It’s a tree of great value in semiarid and arid areas since it provides numerous products. Neem is also widely planted worldwide in arid and semiarid areas because it is hardy and provides excellent shade. Neem’s new leaves, flowers, and fruits are edible. And, leaves and seed oil have numerous medicinal uses and are natural insecticide.

Consequently, the extracts of Azadirachta Indica (Neem Tree) act, in insects, as antinutrients and hormonal inhibitors of metamorphosis; they diminish the levels of proteins and amino acids in the hemolymph and interfere in the synthesis of chitin. Which consequently diminishes or nullifies fecundity by preventing insects from reaching maturity, prolonging larval stages or causing death.

Azadirachta Indica benefits

In the soap industry, it replaces coconut, African palm and peanut oils. As it contains myristic and lauric acids; the soaps made with this oil will have more foam and more detergency than those made with edible oils. It is also superior to castor oil.

The pulp in India is a source of methane gas generator.

Other Neem Tree Properties

The plant as an organic fertilizer is superior to cattle, porcine or other source manure. Also, as organic fertilizer is popular for its insecticidal and repellent properties: especially against certain insects such as termites and harmful nematodes. Along with urea to fertilize the soil, it gives good results and acts as a biocide. One of the biggest Azadirachta Indica benefits is the use of the green leaves as an excellent and cheap fertilizer.

The oil from its seeds of Azadirachta Indica, to prepare cosmetics. Besides medicinal uses of Azadirachta Indica, the harvest of these trees are to reduce desertification and since they are good absorbers of carbon dioxide.

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