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loading TWW A Florida Landscape Journey. There is nothing we enjoy more than building dreams from dusk to dawn! This time we got to partner up with our friends from Jenkins Landscape. And it all started with the selection of the trees, though out to include a lot of synergies. 

Looking out to include some of our best exponents in the building of this landscape project:

  • A Florida Favorite is the Pink Cassia (Cassia Bakeriana). With the showiest display of fragrant pink-purple flowers with yellow stamens. And upright branched filled in clusters of 10-20 cm individual stalks of pink fading to almost white blooms. planting cassia bakeriana-pinkcassia
  • The droopy yet charming Saraca Indica is best known as the Ashoka tree. With beautiful orange to red bold bloomsaashoka tree - sacara indica
  • And our native Guaiacum Sanctum…or the Florida Lignum Vitae that close along the lines falls into the category of small tree or shrub. Reaching an average of 10 to 12 feet, but can reach 30 to 40 feet. With a multi-trunk growing habit. It will stand in the landscape design with its profuse blooming habit of delicate blue blooms. Check out our Classical Beauty Blog to get more insights on this tree


Now every landscape journey is not the same, and we know when you’re planning for South Florida or the Caribbean they are a lot of things to keep in mind. Including salt and drought tolerance, sun exposure, among others.

That’s why we encourage you to revise our tree portfolio where each specimen makes a perfect fit! It includes shade trees, flower trees, the best shrub/hedge material, natives and non-native species. Contact us if you need further information or need a quote we will love to join the next landscape journey.